Day 4: Peer Instruction, InfuseLearing, Chromebooks

Today, I introduced peer instruction, the rationale and research behind it, and feedback from previous students. This year, with every student having a Chromebook, I’m trying InfuseLearning to gather student’s choices. I like the flexibility of the answer types supported by InfuseLearning, the ease with which students connect (just a room id), and the flexibility to pose answer choices on the fly. I miss having an on-screen timer to encourage students to submit their answer in a timely fashion. I also found it someone inefficient to switch between the questions I projected and the graph of student responses. Perhaps I’ll find a way to optimize this as I gain experience. The InfuseLearning site worked well most of the time, but I had to disconnect and reconnect once during each class period. It appeared that I was still connected, but all the students were told to wait for the next question even though I had already started it.

Groups of students are discussing a special relativity conceptual question and trying to reach a consensus.


  ##tech ##peerinstruction ##chromebooks  

2 thoughts on “Day 4: Peer Instruction, InfuseLearing, Chromebooks”

  1. What is the rationale and reasoning behind peer instruction. Do you have any articles, etc. (beyond the Mazur book). I don’t know enough about it and want to know more. Thanks!

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